Design News
65 Adobe Illustrator Tutorials
Collection of 65 Adobe Illustration tutorials for vector graphics drawing.
AdvancED DOM Scripting (Book review)
Roger Johansson of reviews "AdvancED DOM Scripting" from Jeffrey Sambells and Aaron Gustafson
Advanced Interface Design Survey
If you feel helping interface designers to better understand which design elements you prefer check this website.
New CSS JavaScript Library
Marat Denenberg has continued the trend of CSS frameworks by taking Mootools and creating CSS.js.
IE for PC on a Mac
This program promises to make testing out various versions of IE for the PC on a Mac quickly and painlessly.
Mind The Gap; clearfix is clearly broken
Having trouble with a small gap at the bottom of your website? It might be because your using the "clearfix" CSS hack.
A great little site talking about tricks and tips of using CSS
CSS and Email
Article on the proper use of CSS in emails in light of Outlook 2007